4 Ways to Treat Wet Golf Gloves
Discover best Ways to Treat Wet Golf Gloves 2024. You’ve taken out a fresh cabretta leather golf glove (from Skins Golf, of course) and the heavens start to open. You don’t have your wet-weather glove handy, so you’ve decided to use your cabretta leather golf gloves to get any sort of grip on the club.
We hear you. It’s a far from ideal situation and most of the time, the principles of golf glove care go out the window, such as taking the glove off after each shot for example.
So, what can you do to protect or even save your colourful golf gloves after a round with wet conditions? We go through 4 key tips:
- Stay disciplined in taking your glove off at least once a hole
- Smooth out your glove after your round, and place within your pouch
- Wash your glove and dry it fully when you get home after your round
- Stick to one glove for your round
Take off your golf glove once a hole
We know this can be tough. The rain is coming down, you’re trying to keep your grips dry, you don’t want to take off and put on a wet glove over a over. But we’re here to try and give you tips on making your gloves last longer, so hear us out.
If you’re able to take off your colourful golf gloves when around the green on each hole, you’ve done your glove a big favour. Try to pop your glove over an iron if it’s in a dry spot, or place it gently into your bag in a zipped pocket. The whole point here is getting air into your glove at various points throughout the round.

Take care of your golf glove after your round
This point is key. We’ve all been there after a round where all we want to do is get changed and get into the bar as soon as possible. 10 extra seconds of care is all you need to save your glove here.
Instead of scrunching up your glove and firing it into the nearest pocket in your bag, smooth out the glove, place it in your Skins Golf pouch and crucially, bring it home with you. Your glove isn’t going to air out properly in your bag, so do it a favour and give it the love it deserves. Which leads us on to the next point.
Wash your cabretta leather golf glove and dry it properly
If your glove is mucky (highly likely after a wet round of golf), it’s worth giving it a wash. We have a separate article on washing your golf gloves, but put simply, you can either wash your glove gently with warm water and soap, or alternatively, place it in a cold wash cycle. The most important part comes next in the drying stage.
Firstly, please don’t place your glove in a dryer, that runs the risk of damaging the glove through heat and other pressures. The best solution is to place your glove outside to air and dry out properly. It may need a couple days, but when you come back to it, it should be good to go again.

Stick to one golf glove for your round
In an ideal world, you’ll have a wet weather glove at the ready. But as we mentioned earlier, we’ve had multiple instances where we only have our cabretta leather golf gloves available. So, should we keep changing our gloves to fresh/dry ones, or stick to the one glove for the entire round.
We’d argue the latter. By wearing 2-3 gloves over the course of the round, you’re putting the life expectancy of each at risk. It’s worth sticking to the one glove for the day and caring for it properly after, rather than having to do the same with all three.
Conclusion: Treat Wet Golf Gloves
No one loves playing golf in the rain, especially due to the aftermath of such a day with wet, mucky clubs, gear and accessories. But one thing we can prevent is a scrunched up, ruined golf gloves for men to come back to for your next round. So next time you play a round in the rain, remember the tips above to get the most out of your golf glove.
While we may not have a wet weather glove yet, our cool line of cool cabretta leather golf gloves here are sure to meet and exceed your needs for the other 95% of rounds!